Deploy button not working

i have tried it all
deleting all the subflows , all the config flows and all the flows and left with nothing still cannot deploy

and yes i have seen this!!topic/node-red/-PYF08I_nRQ

please help

even how to restart node red to default state would help, i am just starting new flow what can i delte to make this deploy again

Hi - can you share some more specific details? Do you get an error in the browser console? What version of Node-RED are you using?

When Node-RED starts it logs the name of the flow file its using. If you really want a clean start, delete that file then restart - but please share the details above first so we have some chance to understand what's going on.


ok when i start 8 Sep 15:13:13

  • [info] Node-RED version: v0.19.3
    8 Sep 15:13:13 - [info] Node.js version: v4.2.6
    8 Sep 15:13:13 - [info] Linux 4.15.0-33-generic x64 LE
    8 Sep 15:13:13 - [info] Loading palette nodes
    8 Sep 15:13:13 - [warn] rpi-gpio : Raspberry Pi specific node set inactive
    8 Sep 15:13:13 - [warn] rpi-gpio : Cannot find Pi RPi.GPIO python library
    8 Sep 15:13:13 - [info] Dashboard version 2.9.7 started at /ui
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginA1] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginCommand] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginExecuteCommand] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginExecuteMacro] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginGetCodes] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginGetDevices] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginGetMacros] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginIFLearning] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginMacro] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginRMTemperature] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] [node-red-contrib-rmplugin/RMPluginSP] SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    8 Sep 15:13:14 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------

how can i remove this?
i tried installing the plugin but i cannot deply and i dont see it

You are using a very old version of node.js - v4 has been end-of-life for a few months now. You should really be on Node 8.

The errors you are seeing are due to that particular node needing a more update to date version. So I strongly recommend you update your node.js version before continuing.

A few lines further down in the log it will give you the location of your User directory. To remove that particular node module, go to that directory and run npm remove node-red-contrib-rmplugin

i tried it :frowning:
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/openhab/package.json'
npm WARN openhab No description

cannot find this on my flow
this is where i am stuck
how can create new flow?

Those are not errors - they are warnings. The remove should have worked. Have you restarted Node-RED to check?

As I said, you are on a very old version of Node - in fact, I'm not sure node-red supports such an old version of the 4.x release.

I told you how to remove your flow file in my original reply.

I told you how to remove your flow file in my original reply.

i am talking about createing new flow, i did not see any refrance for it..

how can i update node JS?

I'm not sure what you mean about a 'new flow'. If you want to remove everything you have deployed and start from a clean workspace, then delete the flow file and restart Node-RED.

As for updating node.js - it depends what operating system you are using and how you got node.js on there in the first place.

where do i delete the flow this is my Q?

if i deelte from GUI i still cannot deploy ... so i cannot save
and when i refresh i am back with issues

Node-RED logs the name of your flow file on startup. That is where your flows are stored.

If you want to get rid of everything, delete that file.

If you want to get rid of particular nodes from your flow, you'll have to hand edit the file. The format of the file contents is a single JSON array of node objects. Delete the node objects you don't want anymore.

But you have not answered my original question on whether there are any errors in the browser console when you click the deploy button.

no erros in browser just console the above i gave

soory i am all streesed out here :slight_smile:

The error you shared was an error on startup regarding a failure to load that particular node. It won't have any relation to not being able to click deploy.

Do you get any errors when you click the deploy button?

What did you change since you last deployed? This could just be the old version of node - not going to spend much time debugging an issue on an unsupported version of node.

no error when i hit deploy as i said ... i just updated js i will tell you if any issue pops up as error

Ok - so what actually does happen when you hit deploy? Does the button stay red? Do you get any log messages at all?

yes its stays red and no error

deleteing the file did the trick thnaks !
i will restore from old flow i have

You still should update nodejs. The version you are on is too old and is no longer supported by nodejs


Just now I had to face the same situation :frowning: and found this thread luckily. Thanks for this !

I tried to find the method to delete the log as instructed here but I could not . How did you delete the log ? I would be very much thankful if you could guide me the way you followed to delete the log file.

I followed all the above discussed methods deleted the flows, all the configuration nodes under the "configuration node" palate tried with a simple flow with inject & debug nodes.

But when I hit the Deploy button it is not not working , when I clicked it it remains in RED as usual and no errors in the console. When restart the node red and always following is the message I experience all the time. (SS means switches in my flows)

When I run pi@raspberrypi:~ $ node-red-log command I always receive the below.

15 Feb 15:22:57 - [info] Starting flows
15 Feb 15:22:57 - [info] [worldmap:dabcad55.a2d0e] started at /worldmap
15 Feb 15:22:57 - [info] Started flows
15 Feb 15:22:58 - [info] [mqtt-broker:a3ab62c6.cce77] Connected to broker: mqtt://
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [warn] [function:OFF] SS3
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [error] [function:OFF] TypeError: Cannot set property 'iconColor' of undefined
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [warn] [function:ON] SS1
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [error] [function:ON] TypeError: Cannot set property 'iconColor' of undefined
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [warn] [function:ON] SS4
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [error] [function:ON] TypeError: Cannot set property 'iconColor' of undefined
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [warn] [function:ON] SS5
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [error] [function:ON] TypeError: Cannot set property 'iconColor' of undefined
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [warn] [function:ON] SS6
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [error] [function:ON] TypeError: Cannot set property 'iconColor' of undefined
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [warn] [function:OFF] SS2
15 Feb 15:22:59 - [error] [function:OFF] TypeError: Cannot set property 'iconColor' of undefined

Node-Red version

15 Feb 15:22:48 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.19.4
15 Feb 15:22:48 - [info] Node.js version: v8.11.1
15 Feb 15:22:48 - [info] Linux 4.14.79-v7+ arm LE
15 Feb 15:22:51 - [info] Loading palette nodes
15 Feb 15:22:55 - [info] Worldmap version 1.5.22
15 Feb 15:22:56 - [info] Dashboard version 2.13.0 started at /ui

Thank you.

Ok, look at the log you provided and tell us what you see i.e. what is the error showing up?

Once you determine that, what node is causing the error?

Once you determine that, look at the code in that function - what do I want it to do and what is it actually doing?

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Hello @zenofmud,

Thank you very much for your support and direction.

Actually I had the same error previously but later on, flows worked well. When I started today several flows were in the same flow kind of overlap ( seems like mistakenly I have copied all the flows to one flow when I stopped the nodered previously, but it is mistrious :no_mouth:) and I had to face this situation. I was wondering whether I have to delete the log file.

-But instead of deleting the flows as you guided, deleted the node which caused the error and yes then the button is working...
-Then I deleted unnecessary flows.
-Again the button is not working.
-Instead below is the log in the console. seems like my node-red is working with history.

ile using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.
15 Feb 16:49:58 - [info] Starting flows
15 Feb 16:49:58 - [info] [worldmap:c7a720d2.e4b87] started at /worldmap
15 Feb 16:49:59 - [info] [worldmap:dabcad55.a2d0e] started at /worldmap
15 Feb 16:49:59 - [info] Started flows
15 Feb 16:53:30 - [info] Stopping flows
15 Feb 16:53:31 - [info] Stopped flows
15 Feb 16:53:31 - [info] Starting flows
15 Feb 16:53:31 - [info] [worldmap:dabcad55.a2d0e] started at /worldmap
15 Feb 16:53:31 - [info] Started flows

Now as there is no error i think i need to delete the log file and I'm sorry if it is not kindly correct me. I'm working with RasspberryPi and any idea about how to delete the log file ?

Thank you again for the support.

Why do you want to delete the log file? As it is running as a service, its log entries will be in the systemd log which is managed by the system. I'm not sure it is possible to delete the entries for just one service from the systemd log.