I am setting up a full IOT APP in IBM environment. I guess I am not the only one. This is how I have done it so far, which is not ideal and would like to share and gather best practice ideas...
I have several ressources in the ibm cloud environment:
1x IBM IOT platform: this one will be used for DEV AND STAGING as setting up another one is very expensive, so I'll do it when I earn money. It connects some physical sensors.
my DEV chain is then : IOT platform + DEVcloudant instance + DEVnode-red instance + DEVnodejsPortal
my PROD chain is then : IOT platform + PRODcloudant instance + PRODnode-red instance + DEVnodejsPortal
Everything works fine.
My portal APP is deployed in (I think) an ideal way: I update my github code, then run the deployment pipeline to either staging or production environment in just a click.
Issue is with deploying node-red in PROD: I have also a distribution pipeline but that will only copy the base node-red, not the flows and settings which are stored in cloudant.
So to switch from DEV to PROD, I need currently :
- to copy the nodered db from DEV to PROD (with flows and settings. not sure about "credentials")
- to manually change some settings in the nodes which are different from DEV to PROD (eg my iot "topics" are different some contact accounts are different)
- to copy all my cloudant design documents (my views) from DEV to PROD.
How can I automate this?
I currently see only some kind of smart scripting:
- db replication for "nodered" db with scripting to make script my manual changes - I see cloudant allow this but havn't digged too much
- replication of design documents only for my others cloudant DBs.
- or could I use some environment variable to use dev or prod names in node-red (for the topics tipically)?
But i havn't started and I believe this might be complicated, so before that, I'd like to get ideas or best practice. I have started nodered & cloudant 6 month ago and am still on a steep learning curve.