I installed mc and started looking around and made some progress. I thought my normal user had admin rights, but it seems I was wrong, now I can see more files.
I have one folder named "home/.node-red" which contained flows_synology.json from a date in june which could be the right one.
But as you pointed out earlier, I've got multiple locations I also got a folder named "homes/admin/.node-red" which what it looks like contains the same file from the same date. I haven't found any flows file from another date. (the one that seems to be running now i nowhere to be found)
How can I now which is running and which to delete? I know some things that differ them in flows, is that searchable?
Ok, so here's my solution or what I should call it.
I downloaded the file I thought was the right one, imported it to node-red editor. Then deleted everything else, now I'm back in business.
The thing I still don't know how to solve is what I should've done in the first place, since I had to start fresh after the first power outlet. If it happens again I want to prepare. What folder/s should I keep and which should I delete and how do I make node-red start the correct file?
First I thought I had to make a backup, but it seems more like I need to know how to boot node-red from the previous file rather than start a new one?