I suppose this is actually off topic, but I am looking for a graphic design aid for designing DSMs (which will be implemented using node-red-contrib-dsm). So I am looking for something that will let me layout shapes with text inside and lines joining them up, with text alongside the lines to indicate the transitions. If the lines were attached to the state boxes so that one can drag things about and the lines stay joined up that would be good.
It needs to be able to run under Ubuntu.
I have done some searching but not found anything that looks particularly useful, but I am not sure what I should be searching for. Any suggestions?
I think I am looking for something a bit more sophisticated than that. I can't work out how to increase the size of the state circles for example. Also I need to be able to save it with my node-red git project and be able to edit it again. I can't see how to import an existing one.
I understand. Certainly it can be done with HTML5 Canvas or D3.js. I don´t know how much work it may require. Of course it will depend on the features you want to implement.
Beat me to it. Was gonna suggest mermaid myself. Should be pretty easy to automate it (as opposed to saving the static states) if necessary by generating the text from your data
Thanks for the suggestion @rei_vilo, but I am looking for a graphic tool to help me design the dsm in the first place, rather than show me what I have ended up with.
There is the same issue with mermaid, I think, I need GUI input.
Like most Microsoft products, I have a love/hate relationship with Visio. I'm licensed through work and have been for decades so I tend to use it over other tools.