Display sensor data history

Hello, for those who are fimiliar with node red please help me, I'm starting to use node red & MQTT with an esp8266 and dht22, I followed this tutorial and it worked fine : https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp8266-and-node-red-with-mqtt/
now my goal is to display something like this on my dashboard for historisation sake

and I need the data to be stored somewhere in a database or cloud
Could you please guide me through this what should I use, and how ?
Thanks in advance

I would highly recommend looking into influxDB and grafana for this type of thing.


+1 for @JayDickson's suggestion.

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Thanks, I'll look for it

@JayDickson, @ghayne I'm using a win7 32 bits so I couldn't install InfluxDB, is there another suitable option !

Is the hardware itself 32 bit, or just the OS? If the hardware is x86-64, I'd recommend switching to Ubuntu server for multiple reasons.

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I would like to but I'm running out of time, I already did a lot of work on win32 and I want to move the work on Rpi when I'm done, so I want somethin that works on both