I have five xiaomi environment devices each with three sensors (supplying temp, humidity, pressure, and a battery state). I had to implement a group (card?) for each one of them. this makes a 'lot' of work if I need to change anything.
I have just noticed that subflows create a separate instance of each referenced ui node when called, but they are all created on the same tab/group. Is there any way I could dynamically create a group for each sensor? Then I'd need to instruct the subflow to use a newly created group each time it is called. Could the ui_control node be used for this? I ask because I just used some example code using ui_control to show and hide groups.
(sorry if this doesnt make sense, I have a fever and I am really tired)
A quick experiment with dashboard-2 shows it creates a unique ui item for each time a subflow is called, but they are created on one group. A more detailed experiment will require some reading!