I am trying in a simple projet (like a beginner...) to connect node-red to a database with mariadb (under raspberry pi)
I have already create the base under Mariadb and i can access it sous mariadb (root + Password).
But i can't do it under node red (node-red-node-mysql is istalled ...)
I receive this message in debug : Error: Packets out of order. Got: 1 Expected: 0"
which version of the node-red-node-mysql are you using ?
that sort of error usually indicates the server either not being there or disconnecting rapidly for some reason. Can you connect to it from another client (not command line ?)
I tried reinstalling my raspberry
Starting with phpmyadmin (avec apache2 et php 7), then node-red and its libraries: everything works perfectly!
But if I install behind raspap (I need a wifi access point): the problem comes back ...
Is there a conflict with raspap?
I wouldn't think there is a conflict - but more likely the security on mysql is blocking access to remote clients - so you need to configure it correctly to allow remote access - there are plenty of mysql guides to help that.
Thank you for this track that I will explore
But I don't really believe in it: raspap is used for the connection with the MQTT server and the arduino card and not between node-red and the mysql server (which is exclusively local)
In addition, this problem appears only after installing raspap ...
But it is worth trying!
You were right: it is a problem of access rights with mariadb users!
This problem is caused by the installation of raspap: the database is no longer considered in localhost; however I do not use the access point to connect to it ...
For the moment I therefore declare the base on the IP address of eth0 and I give rights accordingly. But I don't find it practical or flexible. There must be a simpler solution.
Thank you very much for your wise advice!