Eufy Lumos node

Today I receive a Eufy Lumos smart bulb. Anyone knows if there's a node to trigger and check the status of that bulb?

Eufy is the smart product part from Anker. Maybe there's a node for products from the same manufacturer ...

Thanks in advance

Hi - have you searched on

Of course , that's why I'm asking here

No idea how to handle that device in node red ?

If there isn't a node available then you need to look at the specs of the bulb and see if there is an api and what it handles. Then there might be another nnode that can be used to talk to it or you could write one.

I note it works with Amazon Alexa, so maybe the Alexa node will work for you.

I haven't found a published api, but there are hints that folks have reverse-engineered enough of
what the Eufy app does to get some things working:

After a bit more digging, it seems that the python-lakeside code has been turned into a JavaScript (node.js) driver. Now all that remains is to wrap a few Node-RED nodes around this :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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okay. thank s for that information. so iĀ“m not a programmer for something like that ... hope someone with enough experience will do the wraping around ... so then i can use it connected to node-red