Event Handler for Node Connection

I want to make my node status different when it is not connected to any other node (not a bluetooth connection, just connecting to a node on the flow). However the only event handler I found is 'close'. Is there any event handler that checks, if the node is connected to the another node?

For example in the image, I want to change the status to something else because debug node is not connected.

Also the Font Awesome icon fa-bluetooth is not working on node-redm that I run on Raspberry Pi. What might be the reason?

No. Nothing that will help you there. However, the proposed flow linting feature may get a check for unconnected nodes.

Alright. I need to change the way I design then. Do you have any idea regarding fa-bluetooth icon does not show up?

Hi @hkayan

It may be possible for your node to examine it's wires property to determine if it is wired to anything - but it isn't a pattern of usage we'd generally recommend.

As for the icon, how exactly have you configured the nodes icon property?

Hi @knolleary,

I am pretty sure there is a solid reason why it is not recommended. I will just change the way I design.

Here is the SS of related HTML part.

If I try fa-child icon it works. Some works, some does not, I couldn't figure why. Node version is 12.22.1, Node-red version is v1.3.4.

The Bluetooth icon is part of the Brand Icon set of font-awesome. We don't make those available due to trademark/copyright concerns.


Is there any list of all available icons or other than Brand icons everything else is fine?

Everything but those listed under Brand icons should be fine.

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