Fa-microchip icon

I try edit existing node and have little problem with icons .
for example : fa-microchip is working , and show good , but use class="fa fa-network-wired"
then show nothing . Where are stored all icons ? may be need just upload ..


As far as I'm aware, node-RED uses font awesome v4.7, which library contains fa-microchip, but not fa-network-wired.

ok , I try find something .. thanks ..

or upload own file *.ico ???
where need do it ..?

Read the guide - Node appearance : Node-RED

<label for="node-input-variant"><i class="fa fa-network-wired"></i> I2C Address</label>

this is line what I need to change . I download file (png) and upload to icon directory . now need change code .. sorry .. I try it .. any example ?

Just replace fa-microchip (mentioned in your first post above) with the name of the image file that you have installed.
No need to use fa prefix (as it's not being loaded as a font awesome icon).

Note - I see that you have edited your last post since I wrote this, but the same comment applies.

sorry ..
try this :

<label for="node-input-variant"><i class="wired-network.png"></i> I2C Address</label>

or I need ico file ?

No, you don't

then not working , I try it as you see , restart node red , refresh page .. still not show .. it ..

Did you format & save the image file as it described in the guide?
Correct size, etc...

The icon should be white on a transparent background, with a 2:3 aspect ratio, with a minimum of 40 x 60 in size.

...ehm I don't do it .. use existing .. I think so it's easy .. no not easy.. in node need define i2c port and address , this icon want for address .. use ```
fa fa-code-fork

thanks for your time ..

Well there's your answer :wink:

sorry.. I just download png file , 256x256 resolution , and then convert to ico ..
I don't change aspect ration , or resolution ..
here is file , can you try do it ? just for future .. may be need it .. or for another used ..


I've helped you with how to present the icon in node-RED, I'm afraid that formatting the image is for you to do, then you'll know how to do it next time.
Use Google, and I'm sure you will find a solution easily.

pls send me just one png file with correct format .. and I try reformat it ..

Ehm , I install node for controll i2c LCD (20x4) .. and original is for rpi , I don't know how man y i2c port have , but I use orange pi zero , there are 3 port i2c-dev0 and i2c-dev1 , then I add option to select port , address also more option .. this is reason why I start rewrite original code ..
thaks for your time , later I need more help ..

Have a look at node-red-contrib-clarify/nodes/icons at main · clarify/node-red-contrib-clarify · GitHub as an example.

I try it .. but not working .. I need real working example ..
thanks for your time ..

   <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-address"><i class="fa fa-code-fork"></i> I2C Address</label>
        <select type="text" id="node-input-address" style="width:100px;">
            <option value="39">0x27</option>
            <option value="38">0x26</option>
            <option value="37">0x25</option>
            <option value="36">0x24</option>
            <option value="35">0x23</option>
            <option value="34">0x22</option>
            <option value="33">0x21</option>
            <option value="32">0x20</option>
            <option value="63">0x3F</option>
            <option value="62">0x3E</option>
            <option value="61">0x3D</option>
            <option value="60">0x3C</option>
            <option value="59">0x3B</option>
            <option value="58">0x3A</option>
            <option value="57">0x39</option>
            <option value="56">0x38</option>

This is code .. write here what I need change ..

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