"Expose as..." field in State Nodes weirdness in Node-RED v4

Hey Folks,

First post so go easy on me.

I've just upgraded to NodeRed 4.0 and noticed some weird behaviour with the HA State Nodes. When you open a Node to edit it, the "Expose as" field defaults to the first switch in the list meaning you have to remember to change it before saving. Not sure if this is a bug or something I'm missing.

Any ideas?

Welcome to the forums @NeoDude

First post so go easy on me.

Its completely untrue what they say :wink:

However, your issue will need putting to the HA community.
Most here are not HA users, but Native Node RED users.

This seems like a bug on the HA Node side

Justification : I have many Nodes in V4 that retain the correct config selection


This might be related to a slight change in the order that none appears

see another report: Home Assistant Node status DISABLED - #9 by marcus-j-davies

Ah, cool. Nice to see it's not just me being silly, lol.

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