Home Assistant Node status DISABLED

V4 of NR
Latest V of HA

Getting DISABLED node status - The node is not disabled in settings.
Any ideas....
The Entity is ok and working elsewhere.
Never seen this before, error yes, but not DISABLED....


Hi @dougle03

That is not Node RED.
I have a few disabled Nodes in V4, and they do not show that status.

I feel this is something more on the HA side, then Node RED?

I thought that too, but I have another instance of NR on 3.1.11 and tried these nodes there and they work fine. I've tried rolling back the main NR instance to 3.1.11 but still get DISABLED.
I've never seen this status before on my more than 300 HA nodes currently deployed... No info on what it might mean either..
It's very odd....

The status label, is controllable...
You can set one in a function node for example.

node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"Oh Boy! Error"});

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 12.02.10

It seems as if HA is setting that status - why, not sure many will know outside of HA :disappointed:

The status is not a constant - it can be set to whatever the developer of a Node wants

Perhaps time for a post on the HA forum or the Git for the dev of the nodes. Thanks

It's the "expose as" field - you can use this to define a switch in HA that enables/disables the node. When you edit a new node it is now defaulting to the first existing switch defined, rather than "none".

FWIW - we have just had another report like this : "Expose as..." field in State Nodes weirdness in Node-RED v4

Not being a HA user (like most here), I feel this is a bug on the HA side.

As everything non HA related is acting correctly.

I think the problem is that "none" used to be at the top of the pulldown list for that field, now it is at the bottom. So every time you edit a node, it is picking whatever comes first in that list. If you edit an old node that was set to none, it is picking the first entry, so if you don't notice and save it, it goes wrong. If you don't save it, it is actually still set to "none" and so still works. If you have explicitly set it to something other than none, it saves that and comes up correct if you go back in to edit.

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Ok - Now I see it.

@knolleary @Steve-Mcl

This might be something to add to the snagging list?
if this has moved, it does seem to have an unwanted effect.

Jun-23-2024 17-53-27

The moment something else is changed on the Node - its going to apply

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Please raise an issue with details.

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Ok sorry, old code that does not correctly define the select value.
I will correct that :wink:

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All thanks for tracking this down. thought it was me going crazy.
Can someone that's more adept at writing bug reports do the honors..?
Many thanks Pete

It's also doing it with existing nodes when opened, the default of None changes to, in my case, 'vacatio'.... Not sure where that is coming from, but it's not right for sure.
Thanks for spotting this, I'd have never noticed it as I never use the Expose as feature in the HA Nodes.

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Its not HA specific.

After I decided to be.. well.. you know... helpful and stuff :smile: , I was able to replicate it also with Nodes that have config inputs


Brilliant, glad it wasn't just me.. lol
Now I need to go through every other node to see if it also has the problem. I do a lot of edits a day so it's entirely possible I've 'touched' other nodes and not noticed the behaviour... :cry:

Should be fixed by:

Sorry, I don't know how we missed it :confused: