I am trying to update a node of mine to the latest version: node-red-contrib-squidtester (node) - Node-RED
I am now on .13 and want it to become .14. Somehow the palette manager does not come up with an update notification so I am trying to update manually:
From inside my ~/.node-red raspberry pi folder I first do a
npm list
to confirm my version is indeed .13:
node-red-project@0.0.1 /home/pi/.node-red
├─┬ node-red-contrib-squidtester@0.0.13
│ ├─┬ js-yaml@4.0.0
│ │ └── argparse@2.0.1
│ └─┬ pretty-ms@7.0.1
│ └── parse-ms@2.1.0
Now I enter npm update node-red-contrib-squidtester
. After the enter it just returns to my prompt without any feedback. But the version is still .13.
If I do npm show node-red-contrib-squidtester
I get:
node-red-contrib-squidtester@0.0.14 | MIT | deps: 2 | versions: 12
keywords: node-red, squid
So it seems it is able to find a .14 version. But I don't get why I can't update.
Any suggestions appreciated !