First september give-away (let's create one gauge)

Why my logic is build up that way? Just as it is common for all use cases. The build up starts for me with thin rectangle in space. That rectangle can be made even vertically or horizontally thin. I have gone with horizontal way. So it starts even from 3 or 9 position. And my choice was 9. It is same for all gauges, not just the clock and so the calculation rules are logically same and it will be easier to maintain the code that way. Nothing more. You can freely change it. Most important is that you understand what it does.

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How about the gauge showing temperature and humidity in one?
In this design frame - how should the double scale - double needle gauge look like?

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Just a reminder:

Hotnipi also gifted a web component version of his excellent gauge to the community as well. It currently lives in my GitHub. GitHub - TotallyInformation/gauge-hotnipi: A nice looking gauge W3C component gifted by hotnipi for use with Node-RED, uibuilder and other uses.

In that form, it can be used with uibuilder or even with http-in/-out nodes. Or even (horrors) without Node-RED at all - though where's the fun in that!

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