I'm new to this forum and I want ask a first question.
I try to get data from Netatmo Weather Station using Node-Red.
Before Netatmo changed from "user/password" authentication to "oauth2" everything went well for a long time. After changing RasPi Hardware I changed the Node-Red flow using the "NetAtmo Dashboard" node.
Authentication with client ID, client secret and refresh token seams to work in the flow - no error appears.
But the flow shows no data - the debug shows errors for example:
msg.payload.temperature : undefined
I read somewhere that the payload syntax is changed.
How is the right format to visualise the gathered data?
Das mache ich gerne - auf jeden Fall hast du mich schon mal aufs richtige Gleis gesetzt:
"msg1.payload = payload.compact.temperature;"
Das ist wohl der Pfad - ich versuche das nun mal einzubauen.
Bin aber ab 18h offline - eventuell schreibe ich morgen noch mal dazu - erst einmal vielen Dank
first of all - issue is fixed. Thanks to Stefan, adding a Debug Node and getting the path for the values did solve my problem. Also thx. Stefan for the PN - I'll look into that!
Now I try try to improve my current dashboard which is now back working. Maybe I'll find a way to interpret "pressure_trend" from text to graphic or arrow... let's see