🎇 FlexDash alpha release - round 2

Am I correct in saying the only user input interfaces are Dropdown Select, Push Button, Toggle, Value Sequence.

I am looking for numeric input, text input and slider.

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Yes & no. You can click on a table cell and you can edit a properties table, e.g. for key/value config stuff. I have a text field ready for when I manage to get the next (small) update released in the coming days. Numeric input would be pretty easy. I'll leave a slider for someone else to implement ;cause I hate them and wouldn't be able to create something decent...


I threw in a number field. It's not going to win any contests but it was a trivial change from the text field and is a decent starting point.

Update: while I'm at it might as well use Vuetify's slider component... :boom:


New FlexDash release!


  • Upgraded to Vuetify v3.0.0 release -- had to fix some minor things, hope I didn't overlook anything
  • Fixed spurious ripple on click in Panels
  • TextView widget now supports line wrap and auto-scroll to bottom
  • Fixed issue where TimePlot sometimes doesn't show plot when loading page
  • Added text field, number field, and slider widgets
5 Nov 11:11:21 - [info] Node-RED FlexDash plugin version 0.4.109                                    
5 Nov 11:11:23 - [info] Node-RED FlexDash version 0.4.109                                           
5 Nov 11:11:23 - [info] Node-RED FD Core Widgets version 0.4.49                                     
5 Nov 11:11:24 - [info] FlexDash UI version 0.4.63 

To upgrade: update @flexdash/node-red-fd-corewidgets

Next steps: probably supporting per-browser state (using the msg._flexdash_socket) and a simple login/auth system.


I'm not seeing them?
Are they separate widgets, or a config in an existing widget.
I've restarted mode-RED & refreshed my browser.

alpha v0.4.63
@flexdash/node-red-fd-corewidgets - 0.4.49
@flexdash/node-red-flexdash - 0.4.109

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I forgot to double-check that the new widgets show up in the release :crazy_face: :roll_eyes: :sleepy:
And sure enough, I messed-up the release order...
Please give node-red-fd-corewidgets v0.4.50 a shot.

Thanks, they are there now :laughing:

Could I ask what the rationale was to add the number field widget?
It's usage seems to duplicate the stat widget, but does not provide - units, thresholds, chip mode, iso prefix or precision like the stat widget, and the text size doesn't match the other nodes.


I suppose the same question applies for the usage of the Text field & the Label widget


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Great, that were fast :slight_smile:

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Number field and text field are input fields. Maybe I should have instead added an "allow editing" option to stat/label? Didn't think of that, but open to suggestions.

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Adding "allow editing" option to stat/label and removing the other two widgets gets my vote!

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All 3 new widgets just are 'unknown'

Node-RED version: v3.0.2
Node.js version: v16.18.0
Linux 5.15.32-v8+ arm64 LE
Node-RED FD Core Widgets version 0.4.50


Have you also updated @flexdash/node-red-flexdash ?
I had to also update that node as well.

EDIT - When I say "I had to", my 'Manage Palette' still showed the previous version, and invited an update (maybe was caused by the browser cache?)

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I have done that now as well but still 'unknown widget'

Reload your browser showing your dashboard? It should say "alpha v0.4.63" in the top-right corner.


Thank you it needed a reload, fixed.

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@tve I've updated your todo list, with your recent fixes.

(I can't help much with the technical magic, but I'll help where I can :laughing:)


Anyone any idea how to zoom into a flexdash chart on a small mobile device (Android phone)?

On a laptop, any part of the chart can be zoomed into by click-dragging, but on a mobile device 'pinching' magnifies the chart, but does not zoom into the detail.

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I've created a simple flow with a stat node which is being injected with a number 0.5


[{"id":"7a1e52b5dd111437","type":"inject","z":"1543d308b342690a","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"0.5","payloadType":"num","x":495,"y":2200,"wires":[["aa84a085f5877970"]]},{"id":"aa84a085f5877970","type":"fd-stat","z":"1543d308b342690a","fd_container":"a2fd476acabc61e3","fd_cols":"2","fd_rows":1,"fd_array":false,"fd_array_max":10,"name":"","title":"Stat test","popup_info":"","unit":"","value":null,"color":"","low_color":"blue","high_color":"pink","low_threshold":null,"high_threshold":null,"low_regexp":"","high_regexp":"","chip":false,"iso_prefix":false,"precision":3,"zoom":1,"x":625,"y":2200,"wires":[]},{"id":"a2fd476acabc61e3","type":"flexdash container","name":"Weather","kind":"StdGrid","fd_children":",6916febb69369323,754b848b6afed702,2876ba66ff2679bb,43aefa2fadb84bae,7c544937f1551351,a740e629dee0d44b,dbdb33e6290c28b1,ca21852cd51c24f5,0d31953fbe4bf5da,aa84a085f5877970,403cac5059d3b463,6149f97eab3c8c6b","title":"","tab":"1839949e733ccb05","min_cols":"1","max_cols":"20","parent":"69c2e3f5798c3475","solid":false,"cols":"1","rows":"1"},{"id":"1839949e733ccb05","type":"flexdash tab","name":"Weather","icon":"mdi-weather-night-partly-cloudy","title":"","fd_children":",a2fd476acabc61e3","fd":"e8f5aea52ab49500"},{"id":"69c2e3f5798c3475","type":"flexdash container","name":"Energy","kind":"StdGrid","fd_children":",43719d5359575f6b,bb113511ea8e41fd,3a60132d9af9f863,6201d0ac747c461c,69906bafd65a0c83,75c16f30cf7f4718,f38aa8e4f00caf79","title":"","tab":"fef6c0f6d48841d6","min_cols":"8","max_cols":10,"parent":"","solid":false,"cols":"1","rows":"1"},{"id":"fef6c0f6d48841d6","type":"flexdash tab","name":"Energy","icon":"mdi-home-lightning-bolt-outline","title":"","fd_children":",69c2e3f5798c3475","fd":"e8f5aea52ab49500"}]

In the stat node props, the Iso prefix is set to false


But... in the dashboard, instead of seeing 0.5, I see 500µ


A bug?

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Also.. (sorry @tve) but I've added a new container recently to display weather data, and although the stat & sparkline widgets display OK, below them I have 2 time plot widgets that display forecast data. However, sometimes they display OK, and at other times they are not displayed at all.

If I look at my browser console, I see the following error;

Error: uPlot chart created too early

Looking at the same dashboard on my phone, I see both charts OK.

[EDIT 25/11/22] Still getting the Error: uPlot chart created too early error, but since restarting node-RED, the charts have continued to display correctly.

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Hi Thorsten @tve, we haven't heard from you for a while, and just wondering if you are still actively developing flexdash for node-RED, or taking a well earned break.
It would be good to know what your future plans are for flexdash, so that I (and others) can plan ahead with our own systems.

Regardless of the future, it's been great following flexdash's progression, which for me started more than a year ago, with your first alpha version, and has led to me now having a functional flexdash dashboard.