🎇 FlexDash alpha release - round 2

Thanks for replying....
One main question I had and somehow forgot to ask...
I read your GitHub page and saw no mention of a table gadget.
My site makes VERY heavy use of data dense tables, are tables something on your roadmap to add?

FlexDash has a PropsTable and a SimpleTable. Here's a small example:

The columns are sortable and you can get an event when a row is clicked. I use this on a DHCP table to pop-up more info about the device clicked. The pop-up is a grid with arbitrary widgets, so you can do some amount of drill-down like that.

The main limitation of the SimpleTable is that the cells have plain text. I want to add a table widget that lets you put arbitrary components into the cell so you can display whatever you want, but until the CustomWidget landed I didn't have the infrastructure for it. I also need to think a little about exactly how to do it...

Im wondering... in regard to the 'per user' access you are looking to add....
Will that add a user/pass for each user, or retain the current global (one for dash and one for the editor) one that Node-RED already has?

It's gonna come in stages...

What I have ready for release is session management, specifically, having a persistent session for a browser tab across websocket reconnects. This allows sending data to just one browser tab so pop-ups, search and stuff like that can be made to function the way most users expect.

I also now assign a cookie to a browser for "persistent" identification. This is what is needed to do auth in the end, but I haven't implemented full auth. I only have pieces of it so far. I will need something a bit unusual for my own needs so I don't know about a general solution, not that there usually is anything like that in either the authentication nor the authorization domain...

WRT the one that NR already has... unfortunately the auth in NR was designed so it cannot be reused and I don't know whether any of it can be made to gate access to FlexDash due to the way socket.io works with Express...

Dunno whether that answers your question...

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