Flexdash - Color Picker

I need a 'color picker' to set the color of an WLED and i like the flexdash dashboard.

I try a lot differen vue color picker compontents:

  • install it with npm
  • use the 'FD Custom" node an place the code to include the component there

But I mostly get an 'error' like 'dosn't found xyz' or the component was not shown correctly.

Sry ... i am skilled in python an java, but all this javascript stuff is new to me.

Your previous forum question was about dashboard-2... is this a question for the flexdash or dashboard-2 developer's?

Yes, previous forum question was about dashboard-2 ... i'm a node-red newbee, in the moment i try what works better for me.

In this case I mean "Flexdash"!

Flexdash is no longer being developed, and there are very few users, so unfortunately it is unlikely that you will get much support.

It may be time to consider switching to an alternative dashboard such as dashboard-2 or UI Builder, both of which are actively developed and very well supported.

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