FlexDash: towards a new dashboard for Node-Red

Hi Thorsten,

Thanks for all the time you have spend to build this dashboard!!!

The community has elected me for asking noob questions about FlexDash, so here we go :wink:

I would like to repeat of your quotes from the original discussion, to make sure I have understood it correctly:

Is this still something that is possible in the current framework? In the assumption that you would have enough free time to spend on this of course ...

What I understand now is that you have a single general node in the flow, to which all the data is being wired. I must admit that I'm rather fond of the way of working with the old dashboard: that you can install UI nodes from contributors, completely identical to how you installed the non-UI nodes. And that each UI node had it is own config screen, just like with non-UI nodes, and so on ...
So there was very little difference (visually) between a UI and a non-UI node for users.
Is something like that not possible at all anymore? I can understand that you want to have a dashboard completely separated from Node-RED, but it would be nice if there were e.g. wrapper UI nodes. Again - assuming you would have enough free time - is something like this possible, or not at all?

[EDIT]: another reason for me is that I have spend a 'massive' amount of free time on my current UI nodes. If something similar would be available, then I can consider to migrate those nodes once. But rewriting them from scratch is unfortunately not an option, so then I'm doomed to keep using the AngularJs dashboard as long as possible ....