Here comes attempt #1 at reproducing the heating controls panel...
In the std dashboard it's a panel with a carefully arranged set of controls and looks as follows:
In the new dashboard I made a custom thermostat control and plopped three down, plus two ValueSequence widgets for day start/end. This is how it looks right now:
The nice part is that the template for the custom thermostat control is simple and just uses widgets:
<div class="flex-grow-1 width100 d-flex flex-column justify-space-around align-center">
<gauge v-bind="gaugeProps"></gauge>
<value-sequence :range="set_range" :value="day_setpoint" :unit="unit"
label="— Day —" :label_above="true" style="font-size: 80%;">
<value-sequence :range="set_range" :value="night_setpoint" :unit="unit"
label="— Night —" :label_above="true" style="font-size: 80%;">
<div class="text-body-2 mb-1">{{active_label}}:
<v-chip small>{{active?"ON":"OFF"}}</v-chip></div>
The bad part is that the script part of the thermostat widget has a ton of stuff that doesn't really do anything but needs to be there to feed values through:
export default {
name: 'Thermostat',
help: `Thermostat control with gauge and day/night setpoints.`,
components: {Gauge, EditPlusMinus},
props: {
// for the gauge:
unit: { type: String, default: "°F", tip: "unit shown after temperatures" },
temperature: { default: null, dynamic: "$demo_random", tip: "temperature shown by gauge" },
min: { type: Number, default: 50, tip: "minimum of gauge range" },
max: { type: Number, default: 100, tip: "maximum of gauge range" },
color: { type: String, default: "green", tip: "gauge color between low/high thresholds" },
low_color: { type: String, default: "blue", tip: "gauge color below low threshold" },
high_color: { type: String, default: "pink", tip: "gauge color above high threshold" },
low_threshold: { type: Number, default: 62,
tip: "temperature for color change, null to disable" },
high_threshold: { type: Number, default: 80,
tip: "temperature for color change, null to disable" },
// for the setpoints
day_setpoint: { type: Number, default: 70, tip: "target temperature during the day" },
night_setpoint: { type: Number, default: 65, tip: "target temperature during the night" },
setpoint_min: { type: Number, default: 60, tip: "minimum possible setpoint" },
setpoint_max: { type: Number, default: 80, tip: "maximum possible setpoint" },
// for the current state
active: { type: Boolean, dynamic: "", tip: "appliance active boolean" },
active_label: { type: String, default: "Heater", tip: "label next to active status" },
output: { default: null, tip: 'outputs setpoint as `{"day"|"night": value}`' },
computed: {
// put together all the props to pass down to the gauge widget
gaugeProps() { return {
min: this.min,
max: this.max,
value: this.temperature,
color: this.gaugeColor,
low_color: this.low_color,
high_color: this.high_color,
low_threshold: this.low_threshold,
high_threshold: this.high_threshold,
arc: 120,
title: "",
unit: this.unit,
// range to pass into ValueSequence widget
set_range() { return [this.setpoint_min, "...", this.setpoint_max] },
My conclusion is that this is nice if one needs to build a compound widget that has some smarts on its own. Then it's great that one can plop down some existing widgets and focus on building some cool logic around them.
But this is a lot of noise just to lay out a bunch of widgets without extra logic. Thus FlexDash needs some notion of a panel after all...