Flow disappeared but still working

Yes the tabs at the top of the screen

Thats what i am saying that "light" tab dissapeared but from ui i can still use the buttons-switches and the automation proccesss is still working (lights working from ui buttons etc.) i cant find where this tab has gone .

Ahh it would have saved time if you had said the tab was missing. (vocabulary in communicating is important)

If you haven't done any deploys since you first encountered the issue you might be able to retreive the backup of the entire flow (the term flow is over loaded because it can be a string of nodes or the complete collection of nodes/tabs)

What platform are you running on/ If it is a Pi, open a terminal window and issue a

cd $HOME/.node-red


ls -al

and you should see a file flows_somename.json and one called flows_somename.json.backup if the dates are different and the size is different you can copy the backup one to a new name (flow_newname.json) and try starting NR using that flow name.

node-red flow_newname.json

and see if the tab is in that flow.

The last deploy i made was yesterday when the problem occured . From that time the deploy button doesnt work .and i cant make a deploy . Although the
flows_nodered.json.backup have the same date and the same size . The date is 18/4/20 so i guess the backup file includes the problem . . Anyway zenofmud thanks for your help and for your time no need to further waste time for this :slight_smile:

I m an electrical engineer with no programming backround and the problem is that even if i manage to set up something with NR if something go wrong i cant troubleshoot so i think its time to leave NR . This is sad for me cause i really like NR but it can expose me at any time :slight_smile:

Hi @diaz_1988

First thing to do is backup your flows and credentials files. They are in ~/.node-red/flows_something.json and flows_something-creds.json

Copy them somewhere safe outside of the .node-red directory.

Then we can start to understand what is going on.

You have said the deploy button doesn't work. What do you mean? What happens when you click it? Have you checked the browsers JavaScript console for any error messages?

To clarify your previous comments - do you mean that two tabs have disappeared from the workspace? And am I right in thinking those tabs include dashboard nodes that you can still see on the dashboard?
If so, can you send me your flow file in a private message so I can take a look at it?

Also useful to know what versions of Node-RED and node.js you are using.

Yes i tried to import one sample flow which contained some nodes i already had installed and after that . The flow (maybe the correct word is the TAB as you said) dissapeared but its still working on the UI. Except that , after the last deployment the Deploy button doesnt work . I press it but nothing happen .

@diaz_1988 thanks for sharing the flow, I will take a look a bit later this evening.

You say the deploy button does nothing. Have you checked the browser JavaScript console for any errors?

red.min.js:16 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
at m (red.min.js:16)
at red.min.js:16
at Object.eachConfig (red.min.js:16)
at R (red.min.js:16)
at HTMLAnchorElement. (red.min.js:16)
at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (vendor.js:2)
at HTMLAnchorElement.v.handle (vendor.js:2)

when i press deploy button

red.min.js:16 Node added to unknown tab/subflow:

  1. Object

  2. x: 2090

  3. y: 1280

  4. z: 0

  5. type: "ui_switch"

  6. inputLabels: undefined

  7. outputLabels: undefined

  8. icon: undefined

  9. info: undefined

  10. changed: false

  11. _config: {name: """", label: ""switch"", tooltip: """", group: ""4064bcff.9e2b44"", order: "12", ā€¦}

  12. id: "5f31fcfc.052084"

  13. _def: {category: "dashboard", color: "rgb(176, 223, 227)", defaults: {ā€¦}, inputs: 1, outputs: 1, ā€¦}

  14. inputs: 1

  15. outputs: 1

  16. name: ""

  17. label: "switch"

  18. tooltip: ""

  19. group: "4064bcff.9e2b44"

  20. order: 12

  21. width: 0

  22. height: 0

  23. passthru: false

  24. decouple: "true"

  25. topic: ""

  26. style: ""

  27. onvalue: "true"

  28. onvalueType: "bool"

  29. onicon: ""

  30. oncolor: ""

  31. offvalue: "false"

  32. offvalueType: "bool"

  33. officon: ""

  34. offcolor: ""

  35. _: ʒ ()

  36. ports: [0]

  37. dirty: true

  38. valid: true

  39. validationErrors:

  40. status: {}

  41. dirtyStatus: true

  42. proto: Object

java window also includes many of this warnings

Thank GOD @knolleary gave the solution .Thanks a lot @knolleary also @zenofmud .

When I examined the flow json, a lot of the nodes had their z property set to 0 - which is invalid.

I manually added a new tab node to the json and updated all of the missing z values to point at its id.

We have seen this a very small number of times over the years, but never managed to recreate to figure out what causes it.

We've had an item on the backlog for a while now for the editor to handle recovering from this error, just not got around to implementing anything.


@Knolleary which way you suggest to recover since i cant deploy? I have to re install NR and then import the flow?

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Copy the file I gave you to the flows file in .node-red and restart. That should solve the issues.

If after doing that your missing nodes are back, but you still can't deploy, please check the browser JavaScript console and share any errors you see there.

"Copy the file I gave you to the flows file in .node-red and restart. " Do you mean to import the flow from the import option on N.R or to copy this file from command line and then restart? can you pleaseeee suggest how to access flows file from command line

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