Flow examples for UniFi node


If anyone using the UniFi node, please could they share an example flow

Many thanks

Haven't you asked for this before?

If not you - I think someone did in the past month - maybe worth searching the forum

Hi , I did ask about it within anither thread I posted about trying to monitor my kids smart device usage, but I had no reply and the subject was quickly moved on from,

This post/thread is an attempt to give the UniFi node some dedicated focus/attention.

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Here’s a flow I created to check for remote users connecting to my UniFi network via its VPN
This is the function (I can’t claim any credit, I just reworked a similar one)

[{"id":"56a77f10.b269a","type":"function","z":"c9098f3d.e2474","name":"Check for remote users","func":"var json = msg.payload[0].health;\n\nfor(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {\nvar obj = json[i];\nif (obj.remote_user_num_active >= 1) {\n//Found\nmsg.payload = \"Remote user(s) are connected to your network\";\nreturn msg;\n} else {\n//Not found\nmsg.payload = \"No remote user(s) are connected to your network\";\n}\n}\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":730,"y":160,"wires":[["3912a849.a19cb8","ccbffbd0.2e42c8"]]}]

Can you provide some links to what you exactly mean by UniFi ?
I am a bit curious. :slight_smile:

Here you go @janvda

I have the secure gateway and a number of their access points.


OK, so I guess you have very specific devices that support "UniFi".