Flowfuse Dashboard out of sync

I also put the event node against a debug node to see if I can catch any other msg.

Oh, perhaps it is a hardware problem after all.

you mean there is kinda wipe in the wifi connection and it cannot recover by itself?

It can't be the wifi dropping out, or you would get the Connection Lost message, as you do when you switch off the wifi, that is why I thought it must be node-red related. But if you have another device that does not show the issue then it is difficult to see what the problem is.

Perhaps not hardware, perhaps something to do with the version of Android or another app that you have installed. I don't see this problem with current Android though.

You said earlier,

It isn't clear to me exactly what you mean.

  1. Does the slider work after switching the wifi off and on again?
  2. I am not sure whether you answered, when it has failed, if you switch to a different page and back again does it start working?

Have you monitored device memory usage?

Yes, as well as other indicators from the os. All in very good state.

I managed to have another device to compare with. Result from the last days is, it is an Hardware or OS issue. Running the dashboard on TAB A7 does not run out of sync. The one on the Blackview Tab 11 does. Will try to find an alternative ROM and see if that is OS related. Thank you @Colin for all your support, in the end you had the right hint :slight_smile:

Or browser.

I tried all know browsers with the exact same version on the exact same android version (excl. bloat ware for sure) on the other tablet. I guess there is kind of an energy management in the background which is not configurable properly.

All Android devices I have used are liable to disconnect if not kept active by user interaction. They should try automatically to reconnect, which seems not to be happening for you. There are some further tweaks to connection code in 1.12 so it might be worth trying that.

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