Flowfuse Dashboard out of sync

I changed vom dashboard 1 to 2 (currently version 1.11.1). It runs on an android pad with all energy saving options deactivated and permanent power supply. After some time (there is no pattern I would recognize) the dashboard elements become ineffective. Graphs don't get updated, buttons and slider have no effect until I refresh the dashboard completely. It happens approx 1-2 times a day but at different times. Any idea what could be the reason and how to solve? Is there also a way to monitor from server so it could take action in case of async?

Which version of the dashboard are you using?

thank you, 1.11.1

Do you see a Connection Lost message when it fails?

Are you just running in the browser or have you installed it as an App, which is an option you may get if you tried to add a shortcut to the home screen?

No, there is no such message appearing. I was using both, running as a tab in different browser and also as an app. Problem was the same in both scenarios.

That is odd. The only time I get a hang like that is when it also shows Connection Lost.

Does the slider move or is the UI completely locked?
Are these standard ui nodes or are you using ui-templates to generate them?

If you add a debug node to the output of the slider, and check that when it has failed, does anything appear?

What OS and hardware are you running node red on?
If you monitor the node red log do you see anything there when it goes wrong?

When you do that, in the same device, do they both fail at the same time?

Sliders remain usable but they do not send any command (at least I dont see anything coming in on my mqtt server). Buttons also have their typical animation when pressed. Wifi connection was continuously established, no other error messages coming up. had this also with another device, same issues.

I am using nodered + dashboard 1 for more than 3 years now, without any issues reg this. Happened first when using db2

nodered is running under ubuntu 22.04 on an odroid c4. What I see in the logs is

[info] [ui-base:My Dashboard] Disconnected kjld5xTWMIDLg6BuAAAL due to transport close

But this happens all the time and using the dashboard afterwards is not a problem.

hard to test. From just watching the db it is hard to say when it gets unconnected (as there is no error msg). A result could be that one dashboard is inactive while the other still is. That would indicate it is not a server issue. if both not work when I test them it does not tell anything about when what devices stopped working properly.

Please add a debug node as I suggested, to prove whether the slider is still working.

added it, will have to wait until it happens again.

Well, there is no debug entries showing up. refreshing the dashboard makes it functional again, all debug msg show up. So, this means the db is completely disconnected from the server.

Did you answer that question? I don't see it

missed it. All standard, no ui-templates.

Very odd, I have never seen anything like that, and I use the dashboard on a number of android devices. Assuming the device is connected via wifi, what do you see if you switch off the wifi for a short time then switch it on again?

Also, after it has reconnected, does that trigger the problem?

switching off wifi results in an on screen error pup up with lost connection msg. after reconnect, there is no debug entry other log entry appearing.
yes, it is very odd. I will start using another device to compare. I will also try to have a background service that transmit an mqtt msg every minute (like health info) to see if the data connection breaks at some certain point. From what I understand, this issue is not nodered related.

Good, that is as it should be

Do you mean that it has triggered the error, so your slider does not work? If so, then that should make it easier to analyse as you can now get into the error state easily.

Another question. When the dashboard stops working, if you switch to a different page and back again, does that fix it?

I am sure it is node red related. There is a known issue with ui-template nodes that they stop working if the connection drops temporarily (which seems to happen regularly for no obvious reasonon Android, I suspect it is the OS trying to extend battery life, or something like that), but for me it does not affect sliders.

no, it does not. I can easily switch between pages, they show up properly but it does not fix my issue

no, there is no debug msg showing up. means there is no queued msg that get through to the server once the connection is back again.

put another, older android pad in place in parallel. first two days, no disconnect from this dashboard.