Force web browser to refresh Dashboard page

This can be done 2 ways that I know of.

Method 1:
use a template node and create a script that is triggered by a button to refresh the page while discarding the POST data (perform a GET request)

window.location.href = "http://your-url-or-ip:1880/%23%21/0"

you need to encode using %23%21 insted of #! for the url to work

Method 2:
See my post on sending users to a link via a button. check the 'send to all browsers sessions' and make sure to change the url using encoding described in method1: see (http://your-url-or-ip:1880/%23!/0)

Note: I and many others do nutty cool things with the dashboard. Sounds like you need to outline a one off job request with all the things you want this dashboard to do and post it in the jobs section. I'm sure someone here could use the work.