I need to refresh the page or current tab but the help section of the 'ui control' node is not too helpful.
i think i understand the idea of 'Sending a blank tab name "" will refresh the current page'
but im strugeling to refresh the current page.
by using a simple button, i can send to another page with just sending the page number e.g ' 2 ' as a string type payload, but cant seem to refresh the page/current tab.
Im not sure where im going wrong.
A bit of context - I have a camera on this one page that works ok on a desktop web browser and shows the image when changing tabs but not on a iphone with node red dashboard linked directly on the home screen (i.e no browser as such it looks like an app) every time i change the tab the image disapears and i need to close it and reopen the "app" to see the image again. A simple button to refresh will sufice.
Hi, I assume you are referring to a Dashboard page? You might like to change the category to Dashboard in that case.
You should also note that Dashboard is a single page, not multiples. The tabs are a "cheat" to make it look like multiple pages but they aren't really. So if you reload the "page", you will reset everything on all tabs.
I have changed the category to dashboard.
I didnt know the dashboard is a single page, still refreshing the whole dashboard will still work fine. as closing and re opening the "app" is essentially the same thing.