Ftp into /.node-red

Hey All,
I'm moving to a new raspberry pi and have backup files from my current installation of node red.

Is it possible to ftp these files to the new machine? I've got the ftp set up but I don't know how to navigate to the .node-red directory. I can do it in putty by typing cd .node-red and it takes me there.

How can I navigate to the .node-red directory in ftp?


Well, from the ftp stand point, NR is in:

Hope that somehow helps.

Do you mean using node red or using an FTP client?

However, Don't use FTP, it is just about the worst option. Use rsync or one of a plethora of available backup utilities.
When backing up don't backup the node_modules folder. It is massive and is not required.

Of course, but that has nothing to do with Node-RED really.

The .node-red directory will typically exist in users directory and ONLY after node-red has ran once (unless you create it)


  • when you install node-red, there is no .node-red folder. That is created when Node-RED is fired up.

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