I am sorry to use this forum to get help in some other topic. but considering how helpful this forum has been, i am coming here as a last resort.
I have(had) a GIT HUB account, though not used much, but still some contents over there, i would like to access, the trouble is,
the email account i used to login , is decommissioned sometime back and now, I am not able to access the same.
now, when i try to access the GitHub account, it sends a 'device verification code' to that email, which is non-functional.
it also gives an option to sign in with passkey, which i unfortunately don't possess.
the device with whcih i made a successful login is no more with me.
I am confident that the password i have for the account is correct.
When I see e.g. here, you need to contact Github support. They will ask some questions to make sure you are the real owner of that account.
Thank You, i was wondering how would you log a ticket, if you cannot access the email. but it allows you to give a new mail to log ticket from. i have recieved the recipt confirmation, with a rider that it may take a long time to resolve, but hopeful, it will go through.
Happy New year!
Ah yes I see now in the comments (of the link I provided), that Github support doesn't seem to answer anymore. Strange. Not what I had expected from Github...
Not much contribution there, just one post and it IS public. Was just a trial post. If i don't get re instated, i may as well start a new account. I will lose my 'member since' age though!