And this is Now my functionGlobalConfiguration. What am I doing wrong so that the Username does not appear in the Configuration of the Bot in the Chatbot
The forum has messed up the formatting of your paste. Edit the post and insert a line containing three backtick characters before the paste and another such line after it.
With a quick look, it looks like you are missing a slash at the beginning
functionGlobalContext: { /Preformatted text
should probably be:
'functionGlobalContext: {//Preformatted text'
and you have a comma at the end of the last option:
authorizedUsernames: 444, } } },
should probably be:
authorizedUsernames: 444 } } },
what kind of error are you getting?
Waht bot are you trying to connect to?
node-telegram-bot-api deprecated Automatic enabling of cancellation of promises is deprecated.
In the future, you will have to enable it yourself.
See module.js:653:30
When you say ' there a way to inject something there from the flow?' do you mean you want to send a message to telegram?
If so, have you looked at the nodes that you now have once you installed node-red-contrib-chatbot?
Unless you need something that only chatbot provides, personally I recommend using the other Telegram node, it is a lot easier to comprehend and work with. I've always had issues with Chatbot.