Googlechart = "Error stopping node: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined"


I have installed node-red-contrib-googlechart

And using the example given, i add this to NodeRED and when I deploy, i get this message in Debug ?

"Error stopping node: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined"

Any ideas ?

[{"id":"6c82fa75.937d04","type":"function","name":"","func":"msg.payload=[\n\t{name:'ute',age:20},\n\t{name:'schnute',age:21},\n\t{name:'kasimir',age:25},\n];\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"x":376,"y":303,"z":"48e4c7b7.b71b38","wires":[["567e8aef.a98174"]]},{"id":"9cf811b5.6307f","type":"chart request","charttype":"ColumnChart","path":"/googlechart","attribs":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"age","type":"number"}],"x":160,"y":300,"z":"48e4c7b7.b71b38","wires":[["6c82fa75.937d04"]]},{"id":"567e8aef.a98174","type":"chart response","x":573,"y":297,"z":"48e4c7b7.b71b38","wires":[]}]

I notice that that node hasn't been updated in 4 years and the issues that have been opened (in GitHub) don't seem to have been addresses.

You might want to look for another node or see if you can fix this one yourself.


Yes it has not been updated for a long time but it has been downloaded 3540 times in the last month

So I assume it must be working ?