Need help at Google Chart in Node Red node-red-contrib-googlechart`

I installed Google Chart in Node Red with ioBroker and InfluxDB (as described on the Internet)

I get an error message (an exclamation mark in the installation Table)

Can someone tell me how to get Google Chart running on node red?

npm install node-red-contrib-googlechart

I'm gonna guess node-red-contrib-googlechart is a dead end (not updated in 6 years & unanswered issues).

Hello Steve yes you are right,
however, the module is downloaded several times every week.
And in Node Red administration, the module can be installed in the normal way.
That's why I said it would run anyway.
Presumably everyone, like me, wants to try it.
But nobody gives any feedback that things are not running well.

Thanks a lot for response.

Do you mean it installs ok using the palette manager in node red but not if you install using the command line? If that is the case uninstall it in the palette manager and then attempt to install it via the command line and post the log here. Make sure you are in the .node-red folder when you run the npm command. Restart node red in the terminal and paste the startup log here too.

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