HELP: I'm a new user and I need to reset node-red on a lora gateway

Node-red will be used to pilot a LoRa gateway
[warn] encrypted credentials not found
[error] unable to listen on
[error] error: port in use

The restart flows => successfully restarted flow but no result in the debug messages + no result in IP:1880/ui :frowning:
I've deleted « .node-red » repertory and restarted node-red, but it was the same with the new one.
I've writen a credentialsecret in .node-red/settings.js => it was the same warn
I've given to credentialsecret the value false => the warn was about the "Using unencrypted credentials"
Then I would like to erase everything and start from scratch.
How should I do?

This indicates a conflict, possibly a second instance of Node-RED already running

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How should I check this?

  1. What computer is this?
  2. What operating system does it run?
  3. How did you originally install Node-red?
  4. On what computer and with what browser are you trying to access Node-red?
  5. What (local) IP address does the Node-red machine have? There is no harm in telling us this since it should only be accessible from within your home network.

You can safely ignore this warning

:1880/ui is the URL for node-red-dashboard. If you have not yet successfully run Node-red then you don't have the dashboard installed. (And anyway as a new user you should aim for the replacement dashboard @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard not the old one.)

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To check whether node-red is already running, you could try to access it in a browser.

Or if you have access to it, locally or remotely, and running under linux; open a cmd session and type ps aux to view all running processes

It was that : a second instance of NR.

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