Help: Lost & confused

I am trying to create a node red flow on Home assistant that will do the following

Check battery % of car
Check current electricity cost

Based on the above 2 turn on the car charger

Then switch off the car charger if current cost or batter % goes out of a predefined range

Somthing like the following

If battery% < 20 and current cost < 0.15 turn on charger, if either of those become not turn switch off charger

If battery% >=20 & 0<=50 and current cost <=0.05 turn on charger, if either of those become not turn switch off charger

If current cost <0 turn on charger, if above 0 turn off charger

I think I can get the battery % out using poll state & use switch node to define what to do when the battery % is a certain amount but I'm not sure how to combine 2 different if statements for different entities.

I also can't work out how to switch a device on/off like in home assistant, can anyone shed some light?

Welcome to the Forums @Ragonz

We can help with the Node RED specific Nodes - but you will need to seek support from HA for rest

The first thing to do, is share your Flow where we can answer Node RED specifics.
again - be VERY specific about the properties you want to query as no one here will understand HA, and is better suited being asked at the HA forums

I was reccomended to use node red on the HA subreddit and for some reason though it was a sub module of HA.
I think I'm going to leave node red for now.

Not a HA user

There is a sub category for node-red on the HA forum, where you will get more specific help about HA

Saying that have you attempted to use the state change node to monitor the battery?

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