Like this one?
Oh, sorry. It's plastic.
I could see an esp32 inside that with mqtt back to NR.
(just trying to keep things on topic)
Or you could do the whole thing in one change node, including the i.e.
[{"id":"40687e33.121cd8","type":"change","z":"8d22ae29.7df6d","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"($time := $toMillis($now());\t(((payload.sunrise * 1000) < $time) and ((payload.sunset * 1000) > $time)) ? \t'<i class=\"wi wi-darksky-cloudy\"></i>' :\t'<i class=\"wi-darksky-partly-cloudy-night\"></i>')","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":700,"y":240,"wires":[[]]}]
Alas I am having trouble with the "night" icons.
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