Help with RS-232 serial message from scale

I have changed brands of a weigh scale with RS-232 output that is used in a program. I notice that the string length alternates between 18 and 19 characters (there seems to be a leading . present in the 19-character message). My settings are:
I tried changing parity to even and odd but that did not help.
Any suggestions as to why the string length changes from 18 to 19 characters and what I can adjust to correct this?

here is a video captured using another program (value on scale is 15.80 lbs)

Maybe the extra char means something like stable weight?

Can you the brand and type of the scale and preferable a manual with protocol description.

Here is the manual. The extra character does not seem to indicate stable weight. From p. 57:

If so, can't you just take the message and split it on the '&' char? Use a change node w some JSONATA code or a funtion node w javascript

(JSONATA code in a Change node: $split(payload, '&')[1] )

Or possibly even better, use the feature of the serial node 'Optionally wait for start character' to tell it to wait for & before accepting data.

Thanks for the suggestions. Inspecting the output in hexadecimal shows that the leading . character is actually 00 in hexadecimal which is the NULL Character, whereas the hexadecimal representation of the . character (period or full stop) is 2E.

So now the question becomes why is there a leading NULL character, and the manual mentions nothing of that.

I can indeed do as @Colin or @krambriw suggested and handle it that way. My feeling was that there could / should be a technical reason why I could not get a steady 18-character message repeatedly, but maybe there is some setting deep in the scale that I am not aware of and I’m hunting a ghost.

I'll have some more time on Monday to explore the scale settings and I may come across something useful.

0x00 if often the end terminator in a low level C type buffer or string... so I suspect what is happening is that the scale is actually sending it on the end of the line of text - but as you are (probably) splitting on the carriage return character - that is then left in the (Node-RED) buffer until the next CR - so appear on the front of the next report. So yes I would just "wait for" the & char and not worry about it....

Though you could depending if you only wanted one of those weights just "wait for" N then split on L , or "wait for" L and split on \ .