Homekit bridge update

Hi everyone,

I state that I have done research and some problems have been found in the past but I don't understand if there is a solution.

By configuring a bridge with many elements, I have the problem that the states are not updated unless:

  • reopen the app

  • or change a state of any device


1)from nodered I send status to the L2 light of ON, but I don't see any change

  1. from the app, I change the status of a thermostat (or any bridge device) and all the feedback (including L2) updates correctly

My questions are:

  1. Is there a way for it to update itself every second?

  2. Is it possible to send an update request from nodered?


node-red-contrib-homekit-bridged 1.6.1

nodered v3.1.9

nodejs v20.12.0


AVAHI bridge (although I tried the others too but they have other problems)

Thank you

(used google translate)

Homekit is finicky. Whenever I tried this node I have encountered similar issues.

I would recommend to use homebridge instead, you can create new devices there as well, although a little bit more complicated, but they can then be controlled from node-red. I am using this node to control devices in homebridge.

I think it is easier to get help on discord when using this node.
See the discord link in their repository.

Good morning,
I tried homebridge but I don't want the double supervision system.

Let me start by saying that I have never modified a module yet so I haven't looked at the node-red-contrib-homekit-bridged source.

From my multiple tests, I've come across a possible problem that I would love to have an expert check out and do some testing:

When you open Homekit it asks for a sync: > Flags [S], cksum 0x6747 (correct), seq 2389499826, win 65535, options [mss 1460,nop,wscale 5,nop,nop,TS val and cr 0 ,sackOK,eol], length 0

once synchronized it sends the connection termination message (which does not happen when it is configured as an accessory):
192.168.1..46.49818 > Flags [F.], cksum 0xa3f1 (correct), seq 964, ack 4157, win 4096, options [nop,nop,TS val 3255966676 ecr 4269263122], length 0

And then nodered terminates the connection, from there it will no longer send any state null to homekit until a new synchronization is requested, which will happen with any command from homekit to nodered

in my opinion the first test that could be done is to discard closing the connection (if possible).

Thank you

(used google translate)

It depends how you have setting things up. Some services require a bridge of their own.

This node has documentation, please use it.

If you have other questions/problems there is also an NRCHKB Discord.

I have used it and as mentioned above I have configured it in different ways.

I was just trying to report a fairly big problem, probably not the right place to report it.
I apologize and as suggested by bakman2 maybe I shouldn't use nodered
Thank you

(used google translate)

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