Hi everyone,
I state that I have done research and some problems have been found in the past but I don't understand if there is a solution.
By configuring a bridge with many elements, I have the problem that the states are not updated unless:
reopen the app
or change a state of any device
1)from nodered I send status to the L2 light of ON, but I don't see any change
- from the app, I change the status of a thermostat (or any bridge device) and all the feedback (including L2) updates correctly
My questions are:
Is there a way for it to update itself every second?
Is it possible to send an update request from nodered?
node-red-contrib-homekit-bridged 1.6.1
nodered v3.1.9
nodejs v20.12.0
AVAHI bridge (although I tried the others too but they have other problems)
Thank you
(used google translate)