I wish to extract each 'Id' and its associated 'Temperature' - the Id checks against a table in GlobalContext, which swaps 'Id' for some human-readable description, and applies a calibration adjustment to the 'Temperature' value.
The function I'm using is below - but it fails because it doesn't 'drill through' each "DS18B20-x" heading. Do I /really/ need to write a separate function for each sub-object?
Something like this might work
it will extract each reading, providing its an object
(but you should check, its the object you need - just a bit of sanity checking)
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(msg.payload)) {
if (typeof value === 'object') {
const tempReading = {
device: key, /* DS18B20-1 */
id: value.Id, /* 030197946C6B */
temp: value.Temperature /* 36.8 */
// store/match/use tempReading somewhere (it will repeat for each object)
// example : tempReading.id
I would also add, for good coding habit please pick a variable naming convention. Underscores: date_of_birth PascalCase: DateOfBirth camelCase: dateOfBirth
Please try not to mix 3 different types in a piece of code it makes it unpleasant to edit, as you can not remember what each vars convention should be.