How can I "freeze" and "scale" dashboard layout?


I am using a dashboard that I specifically designed for a touchscreen width of 1920 resolution. I need to fully control exactly where every container box is. I now need to remotely log into the dashboard webpage but the screen on alternate devices can be varying sizes and wont always be 1920.

Angular / Bootstrap / CSS Flex causes the containers to move around and the layout becomes super messy. So I have fixed the width and heights in CSS to the original screen resolution which prevents Angular moving the containers. So problem of "freezing" the layout seems easy to resolve.

I now want to "scale" the webpage in a similar way that the webpage "zoom" function works. On the alternative remotely logged in device I can now manually zoom in or out to get the webpage width to expand to full width. But I would prefer the webpage somehow to detect the screen resolution automatically, divide by 1920 pixels then apply a zoom factor to get the width correct.

Any ideas on how I can do this in Node-Red? I understand the Zoom function in CSS should not be used so any other options?



Apologies for derailing your thread, but can you give me an example of how you did this? I've been trying to find a way to keep things from moving around and the only way I've found is to put widgets in a group and fix the width.

I have no knowledge of CSS but I may be able to figure it out from an example. Thanks!

If you use developer tools through your web browser you can see the main container for the webpage is called You can add a style override into the dashboard node(s) and can control and/or over ride things like background colors, widths, heights, over flows etc. Specifically for fixing the width you can do the following {
   width: 1920px;
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Incase anyone else find this page in the future. The solution I came up with for resizing was in CSS to use the @media and transform function. I set the min and max width in 100px ranges and picked a transform that would scale the larger 1920x1080px screen to the smaller width. I had to add a few of these statements to cover the screen ranges. Seems to work ok.

@media screen and (min-width: XXXpx) and (max-width: XXXpx) { {
     width: 1920px;
     transform: scale(0.X);
     transform-origin: 0 0;
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