I found out that I can't expand a group width to more than 30 "widget boxes". I want to do a kind of control panel with a system schematics as a background image and a number of gauges and LEDs and so on and that would need 50 boxes.
I can set the group width in pixel to more than (number of widget boxes * widget width in pixel) and that is realised in the dahboard but I can't populate the so added free space on the right with further widgets because I can't move widgets there due to the limit of 30 in the dahboard layout editor.
How can I do that?
Or can I enter the layout in text somwhere?
Well generally we'd recommend putting multiple group side by side so that if you did happen to view on a smaller monitor they could re-lay themselves out ...
but if you insist - you can double click on the width number and it will become a text entry box and you can type in whatever you want
Hi dceejay,
thanks for the quick reply.
I found this option too and tried it, but for me it leads to the layout editor showing only a blank page so I can't move my widgets. Any options around this?