How can I initial credential in my created node for node-red-node-test-helper?

Hi all,

I have some problem about initial credential in my created node for node-red-node-test-helper.

i try to follow node-red-node-test-helper help, node-red/node-red-node-test-helper: A test framework for Node-RED nodes ( But it had remain error.

The error is from my checking in .js file in my created node. If it has not input the credentials, my created node status return -1 value.


Below code is the credentials in node registerType in html file ...

credentials: {
    token: {
        type: "text",
        required: true

Below is the unit test

I am not sure, I initiate correct credentials value or not? or Where is my mistake in my code? :thinking:

Thank you in advance.

You need to include the credentials in the flow itself:

const flow = [
      id: "n1",
      type: "node-line-notify",
      credentials: {
         token: "test"

Thank you very much for you help. :blush:

But the error has remain.

Below is my full unit test file.

const should = require("should");
const helper = require("node-red-node-test-helper");
const nodeLineNotify = require("../nodes/node-line-notify/node-line-notify.js");


describe('Line Notify Node', function () {

    beforeEach((done) => {

    afterEach((done) => {

    it('should be loaded', (done) => {
        const flow = [{ id: "n1", type: "node-line-notify", name: "node-line-notify", useExternalData: true }];
        helper.load(nodeLineNotify, flow, () => {
            const n1 = helper.getNode("n1");
            try {
      "name", "node-line-notify");
            } catch (err) {

    it("should make payload without token", (done) => {
        const flow = [
                id: "n1",
                type: "node-line-notify",
                name: "node-line-notify",
                message: "test",
                useExternalData: false
        helper.load(nodeLineNotify, flow, () => {
            const n1 = helper.getNode("n1");
            n1.on("call:error", (err) => {
                should.equal(err.lastArg.payload, "node-line-notify.errors.notFoundToken");
                should.equal(err.lastArg.status, -1);
            n1.receive({ payload: "test" });

    it("error token", (done) => {
        const flow = [
                id: "n1",
                type: "node-line-notify",
                name: "node-line-notify",
                message: "test",
                useExternalData: false,
                useImageUrl: false,
                useImageFile: false,
                useSticker: false,
                credentials: {
                    token: "test"
        helper.load(nodeLineNotify, flow, () => {
            const n1 = helper.getNode("n1");
            n1.on("call:error", (err) => {
                should.equal(err.lastArg.status, 401);
                should.equal(err.lastArg.payload, "Invalid access token");
            n1.receive({ payload: "test" });

I use console.log for display 'err' object. It does not have values credential object. (I am not sure, can I use console.log for debugging)

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