How to use credential data with node by node-red-node-test-helper function?

Hi all,

I use node-red-node-test-helper for unit testing by creating Node.

I try to send credential data into test function.

Below code is my test function

it("error token", (done) => {
        const flow = [
                id: "n1",
                type: "node-line-notify",
                name: "node-line-notify",
                message: "test",
                useExternalData: false,
                useImageUrl: false,
                useImageFile: false,
                useSticker: false,
                wires: [["n2"]]
            { id: "n2", type: "helper" }
        helper.load(nodeLineNotify, flow, {token: "test"}, () => {  <<<<<<---- Add credential at here
            const n1 = helper.getNode("n1");
            const n2 = helper.getNode("n2");

            n1.on("call:error", (err) => {
                should.equal(err.lastArg.status, 401);
                should.equal(err.lastArg.payload, "Invalid access token");
            n1.receive({ payload: "test" });

But when I check my creating node "n1", there is not my credential data in node.

NodeLineNotify {
  id: 'n1',
  type: 'node-line-notify',
  z: undefined,
  g: undefined,
  _closeCallbacks: [],
  _inputCallback: [Function (anonymous)],
  _inputCallbacks: null,
  name: 'node-line-notify',
  wires: [ [ 'n2' ] ],
  _wireCount: 1,
  send: [Function (anonymous)],
  _wire: 'n2',
  credentials: {},      <<<<<---------  Credential data is empty
  accessToken: undefined,    
  message: 'test',
  useExternalData: false,
  useImageUrl: false,
  imageFullsizeUrl: undefined,
  imageThumbnailUrl: undefined,
  useImageFile: false,
  imageFile: undefined,
  useSticker: false,
  lineStickerPackageId: undefined,
  lineStickerId: undefined,
  disabledPushNotification: undefined,
  _events: [Object: null prototype] { 'call:error': [Function (anonymous)] },
  _eventsCount: 1

How to use credential data with node by node-red-node-test-helper function? :thinking:

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