How do you change the properties of a node while the application is running?

I am using the 'serial in' (node-red-node-serialport) node and would like to change the serial port settings based on information recieved over mqtt.

However, I do not know a way to change the properties of a node while the application is running. Is this possible to do? If so, how is it done?

Screenshot 2022-03-23 210441

It is not possible at this time.

The best you can so for now is...

  • have multiple serial nodes setup with a selection of settings & route messages to the desired serial node based on the value set in the MQTT message
  • save the MQTT value to ENV VARS & use ENV VARs for the serial port settings (NOTE: env vars are only read on start up so this solution would require you to restart node-red after a change)

How many variations do you expect?

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