How to build a database connection inside dashboard-template-node

I think the last_page represents the last number you can click in the table. If I set last_page to 15 I can navigate up to 15.

So as you said earlier

I have to get the total rows from the database, do the calculation and write it to last_page

you can chain the nodes, first do a query like select count(*) from yourtable, and use a change node to set to some total property and use that for calculations and from there create the new query

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It's finally working. Thanks for all your effort! (And very sorry for the little dispute)

A little summary for everybody who is interested:

The flow

Every node from left to right (except database):



And the code of the table(inside template node):

<script type="text/javascript" src="/tabulator-tables/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tabulator-tables/dist/css/tabulator_semanticui.min.css" />
<div id="table-messungen"></div>
    var tableM = new Tabulator("#table-messungen", {
        placeholder:"Keine Daten verfĂźgbar!",
            {column:"Zeitstempel", dir:"asc"},
            {title:"Register", field:"Register", width:150},
            {title:"Druck (Pascal)", field:"Druck"},
            {title:"Zeitstempel", field:"Zeitstempel"},

Nice :smile:

Now just for a hint, you can now also create your own webpage, by adding a normal template node (non-UI) with the html/javascript/css code -> response node and then opening the url in a new tab :slight_smile:

I use this setup a lot to create custom API interfaces / pages.

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Thats cool! Thanks a lot!

You were right, your solution was the better one :wink:

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