Hi all,
Following great advice from @madhouse, I am instantiating tabulator directly in a template node, and it works perfectly, allowing me functionality that is not available in the 'table' wrapper node..
In order to instantiate and interact with tabulator, I need to set an external reference to the package as follows:
Now I need to run my system on a stand-alone, disconnected system, which cannot access unpkg.com. Any advice on how to install tabulator locally, and set the reference to this local installation?
Yes, first thing I tried. However, the ref is looking for a web site, not file location. I could run a local web server for this but it would complicate my deployment. Maybe there is a way to piggyback Node-red itself for this?
Have you edited .node-red/settings.js and set up httpStatic and put the files there and reference them there?
//httpStatic: '/home/nol/node-red-static/', //single static source
/* OR multiple static sources can be created using an array of objects... */
//httpStatic: [
// {path: '/home/nol/pics/', root: "/img/"},
// {path: '/home/nol/reports/', root: "/doc/"},
Depending on the OS you're using (Linux or Windows), you can simply navigate to your .node-red folder and install the tabulator-tables module.
npm i tabulator-tables -g
This installs Tabulator into the same area as all the other Node-Red packages and allows Node-Red to reference it for use.
There is a caveat to that though. You can't reference it directly from the ui-template. In order to do that, you'll have to navigate to
(apply directory slashes based on OS used)
Then run the NPM command above in there. It will create a node-modules directory in there with everything related to Tabulator installed. Then you have the ability to reference it directly from within the ui-template as if you were referencing it from the web source. Your new reference will simply become:
In fact, anything you put into the node-red-dashboard\dist directory can be referenced from within your ui-template in the same way (documents, images, videos...).
Thank you @zenofmud and @madhouse for your help.
So now I know that node-red-dashboard\dist can be my base repository for all dashboard web resources... it helps me so much!
Regarding the local installation of tabulator, I'm still struggling. I followed @madhouse instructions (installed tabulator twice - under the general Node-red directory and then again under node-red-dashboard\dist), but the grid won't instantiate.
I tried to install tabulator globally (-g) and then locally, and also uninstalled the table-ui stock node - but still no go.
I noticed that the tabulator installation under dist did not create a "node_modules" directory - such directory (with tabulator in it) was actually created at one level higher. So I tried referencing the files as follows:
I even tried to manually copy the node_modules directory to dist - but still no success.
Am I doing something wrong?
Below is the sample code I am using in the ui temple (which works perfectly with Unpkg.com:
One more thing - for some reason, when I refresh the browser (F5) the table disappears (but when I go to another page and return, it reloads correctly. Have you ever encountered this?
Oops. That's my fault. It's been a while since I worked with Node-Red as I've since moved on to coding directly into Javascript for all my dashboard needs. Node-Red Dashboard has the unique requirement that everything resides in the ui web folder. So follow my directions as above and simply change your ui-template references to this:
When installing Node-red's dashboard nodes, Node-red configures a web site which serves all the dashboard clients. The web site's home is referenced by "/ui", (i.e. <host>:1880/ui).
You can access a Node-red dashboard tab directly from a web browser using #!/ followed by the tab's serial number (0 = first tab), e.g. <host>:1880/ui/#!/2 will open the third tab in the dashboard menu.
The Web site's home directory maps to <Node-red home>/node_modules/node-red-dashboard/dist. You can place web resources in this directory, and call them from a browser, e.g.
<host>:1880/ui/my_image.png etc.
However, when calling from within a dashboard template node, you don't need to specify the /ui prefix, and can load the resources from the home directory directly, e.g.:
<img src="my_image.png" width="50" height="60">
Finally, with regards to Tabulator, it seems that the simplest & easiest way is to avoid the NPM installation altogether, and just do the following:
Download the full Tabulator package from the Tabulator site (tabulator-master.zip), and extract it under the dashboard home directory <Node-red home>/node_modules/node-red-dashboard/dist
Include the following reference in your dashboard (with the css of your choice):