Using a local installation of Tabulator in a dashboard template

Hi all,
Following great advice from @madhouse, I am instantiating tabulator directly in a template node, and it works perfectly, allowing me functionality that is not available in the 'table' wrapper node..
In order to instantiate and interact with tabulator, I need to set an external reference to the package as follows:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Now I need to run my system on a stand-alone, disconnected system, which cannot access Any advice on how to install tabulator locally, and set the reference to this local installation?

Did you try copying the files to your device and changing the references to point at where you put the files on your device?r

Yes, first thing I tried. However, the ref is looking for a web site, not file location. I could run a local web server for this but it would complicate my deployment. Maybe there is a way to piggyback Node-red itself for this?

Have you edited .node-red/settings.js and set up httpStatic and put the files there and reference them there?

    //httpStatic: '/home/nol/node-red-static/', //single static source
    /* OR multiple static sources can be created using an array of objects... */
    //httpStatic: [
    //    {path: '/home/nol/pics/',    root: "/img/"}, 
    //    {path: '/home/nol/reports/', root: "/doc/"}, 

Depending on the OS you're using (Linux or Windows), you can simply navigate to your .node-red folder and install the tabulator-tables module.

npm i tabulator-tables -g

This installs Tabulator into the same area as all the other Node-Red packages and allows Node-Red to reference it for use.

There is a caveat to that though. You can't reference it directly from the ui-template. In order to do that, you'll have to navigate to

(apply directory slashes based on OS used)

Then run the NPM command above in there. It will create a node-modules directory in there with everything related to Tabulator installed. Then you have the ability to reference it directly from within the ui-template as if you were referencing it from the web source. Your new reference will simply become:

<link href="node-modules/tabulator-tables/dist/css/tabulator_midnight.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="node-modules/tabulator-tables/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>

In fact, anything you put into the node-red-dashboard\dist directory can be referenced from within your ui-template in the same way (documents, images, videos...).


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Thank you @zenofmud and @madhouse for your help.
So now I know that node-red-dashboard\dist can be my base repository for all dashboard web resources... it helps me so much!

Regarding the local installation of tabulator, I'm still struggling. I followed @madhouse instructions (installed tabulator twice - under the general Node-red directory and then again under node-red-dashboard\dist), but the grid won't instantiate.
I tried to install tabulator globally (-g) and then locally, and also uninstalled the table-ui stock node - but still no go.
I noticed that the tabulator installation under dist did not create a "node_modules" directory - such directory (with tabulator in it) was actually created at one level higher. So I tried referencing the files as follows:

<link href="../node-modules/tabulator-tables/dist/css/tabulator_midnight.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../node-modules/tabulator-tables/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>

I even tried to manually copy the node_modules directory to dist - but still no success.
Am I doing something wrong?
Below is the sample code I am using in the ui temple (which works perfectly with

<div id="table1"></div>
var tabledata = [
 	{id:1, text:"text-1"},
 	{id:2, text:"text-2"},
var table = new Tabulator("#table1",
    columns: [
        {title:"ID", field:"id", hozAlign:"center", width:80},
    	{title:"Text", field:"text", hozAlign:"left", width:180}

One more thing - for some reason, when I refresh the browser (F5) the table disappears (but when I go to another page and return, it reloads correctly. Have you ever encountered this?

Oops. That's my fault. It's been a while since I worked with Node-Red as I've since moved on to coding directly into Javascript for all my dashboard needs. Node-Red Dashboard has the unique requirement that everything resides in the ui web folder. So follow my directions as above and simply change your ui-template references to this:

<link href="ui/node-modules/tabulator-tables/dist/css/tabulator_midnight.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="ui/node-modules/tabulator-tables/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>

That should give you what you're looking for. Anytime you reference a file in the dist directory, it will be through that ui web folder.


Make sense?

Thanks for the quick reply, Matt!

I finally figured it all out:

When installing Node-red's dashboard nodes, Node-red configures a web site which serves all the dashboard clients. The web site's home is referenced by "/ui", (i.e. <host>:1880/ui).
You can access a Node-red dashboard tab directly from a web browser using #!/ followed by the tab's serial number (0 = first tab), e.g. <host>:1880/ui/#!/2 will open the third tab in the dashboard menu.

The Web site's home directory maps to <Node-red home>/node_modules/node-red-dashboard/dist. You can place web resources in this directory, and call them from a browser, e.g.

  • <host>:1880/ui/my_page.html
  • <host>:1880/ui/my_image.png etc.

However, when calling from within a dashboard template node, you don't need to specify the /ui prefix, and can load the resources from the home directory directly, e.g.:

  <img src="my_image.png" width="50" height="60">

Finally, with regards to Tabulator, it seems that the simplest & easiest way is to avoid the NPM installation altogether, and just do the following:

  • Download the full Tabulator package from the Tabulator site (, and extract it under the dashboard home directory <Node-red home>/node_modules/node-red-dashboard/dist
  • Include the following reference in your dashboard (with the css of your choice):
<link href="tabulator-master/dist/css/tabulator_midnight.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="tabulator-master/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>

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