I am developing a function node where I perform operations with flow variables, as you can see in the image, each operation performed depends on a flow variable saved a couple of lines before.
The first problem is that after some operations, the values that I am supposed to return are not correct or "NaN" is displayed in the flow variable of said operation.
The second is that I need all those results (39 results) to be in a single array, I tried but I am new to javascript and I have syntax errors.
I hope I have explained well, thanks for helping me.
[{"id":"c9793b5a.9b7648","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"808affa4.34e94","type":"function","z":"c9793b5a.9b7648","name":"Datos para caracteristica nominal","func":"var ER = 0;\nvar EX = 0;\nvar Diam = (6.1732*2);\nvar Rad = (Diam/2);\nflow.set (\"Diam\" , Diam);\nvar IntR = Math.abs(((ER - Rad) - (ER + Rad))/8);\nflow.set (\"IntR\" , IntR);\n\nvar CN_R1 = (ER - Rad);\nflow.set(\"CN_R1\", CN_R1);\n\nvar CN_R2 = (flow.get(\"CN_R1\") + 0.2 * IntR) ;\nflow.set(\"CN_R2\", CN_R2);\n \nvar CN_R3 = (flow.get(\"CN_R2\") + 0.4 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R3\", CN_R3);\n\nvar CN_R4 = (flow.get(\"CN_R3\") + 0.6 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R4\", CN_R4);\n\nvar CN_R5 = (flow.get(\"CN_R4\") + 0.8 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R5\", CN_R5);\n\nvar CN_R6 = (flow.get(\"CN_R5\") + 1 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R6\", CN_R6);\n\nvar CN_R7 = (flow.get(\"CN_R6\") + 1.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R7\", CN_R7);\n\nvar CN_R8 = (flow.get(\"CN_R7\") + 2 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R8\", CN_R8);\n\nvar CN_R9 = (flow.get(\"CN_R8\") + 2.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R9\", CN_R9);\n\nvar CN_R10 = (flow.get(\"CN_R9\") + 3 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R10\", CN_R10);\n\nvar CN_R11 = (flow.get(\"CN_R10\") + 3.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R11\", CN_R11);\n\nvar CN_R12 = (flow.get(\"CN_R11\") + 4 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R12\", CN_R12);\n\nvar CN_R13 = (flow.get(\"CN_R12\") + 4.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R13\", CN_R13);\n\nvar CN_R14 = (flow.get(\"CN_R13\") + 5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R14\", CN_R14);\n\nvar CN_R15 = (flow.get(\"CN_R14\") + 5.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R15\", CN_R15);\n\nvar CN_R16 = (flow.get(\"CN_R15\") + 6 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R16\", CN_R16);\n\nvar CN_R17 = (flow.get(\"CN_R16\") + 6.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R17\", CN_R17);\n\nvar CN_R18 = (flow.get(\"CN_R17\") + 7 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R18\", CN_R18);\n\nvar CN_R19 = (flow.get(\"CN_R18\") + 7.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R18\", CN_R18);\n\nvar CN_R20 = (flow.get(\"CN_R19\") + 8 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R20\", CN_R20);\n\nvar CN_R21 = (flow.get(\"CN_R20\") + 7.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R21\", CN_R21);\n\nvar CN_R22 = (flow.get(\"CN_R21\") + 7 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R22\", CN_R22);\n\nvar CN_R23 = (flow.get(\"CN_R22\") + 6.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R23\", CN_R23);\n\nvar CN_R24 = (flow.get(\"CN_R23\") + 6 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R24\", CN_R24);\n\nvar CN_R25 = (flow.get(\"CN_R24\") + 5.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R25\", CN_R25);\n\nvar CN_R26 = (flow.get(\"CN_R25\") + 5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R26\", CN_R26);\n\nvar CN_R27 = (flow.get(\"CN_R26\") + 4.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R27\", CN_R27);\n\nvar CN_R28 = (flow.get(\"CN_R27\") + 4 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R28\", CN_R28);\n\nvar CN_R29 = (flow.get(\"CN_R28\") + 3.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R29\", CN_R29);\n\nvar CN_R30 = (flow.get(\"CN_R29\") + 3 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R30\", CN_R30);\n\nvar CN_R31 = (flow.get(\"CN_R30\") + 2.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R31\", CN_R31);\n\nvar CN_R32 = (flow.get(\"CN_R31\") + 2 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R32\", CN_R32);\n\nvar CN_R33 = (flow.get(\"CN_R32\") + 1.5 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R33\", CN_R33);\n\nvar CN_R34 = (flow.get(\"CN_R33\") + 1 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R34\", CN_R34);\n\nvar CN_R35 = (flow.get(\"CN_R34\") + 0.8 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R35\", CN_R35);\n\nvar CN_R36 = (flow.get(\"CN_R35\") + 0.6 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R36\", CN_R36);\n\nvar CN_R37 = (flow.get(\"CN_R36\") + 0.4 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R37\", CN_R37);\n\nvar CN_R38 = (flow.get(\"CN_R37\") + 0.2 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R38\", CN_R38);\n\nvar CN_R39 = (flow.get(\"CN_R38\") + 0 * IntR);\nflow.set(\"CN_R39\", CN_R39);\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":960,"y":360,"wires":[["f24c7c29.4d5f8"]]},{"id":"665926fe.8eadc8","type":"inject","z":"c9793b5a.9b7648","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"1","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":870,"y":300,"wires":[["808affa4.34e94"]]},{"id":"f24c7c29.4d5f8","type":"debug","z":"c9793b5a.9b7648","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":true,"tostatus":true,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"payload","statusType":"auto","x":1060,"y":420,"wires":[]}]