How to escape colon in ui-control in dashboard 2?

I am currently moving all my dashboards from dashboard 1 to dashboard 2. Amongst a lot of other things, also the syntax for group visibility changed and I have a problem with a group with a colon in its name.

I am injection the following JSON into a ui-control:

    "groups": {
        "hide": [
            "MyPage:This is: My Group"

Just for testing the new syntax, I tried the following which worked:

    "groups": {
        "hide": [

So obviously the colon and/or the spaces in the group name are a problem. I tried already some escape methods (backslash, single quotes, double quotes), but nothing worked. What would be the correct syntax for my group?

Looks like an oversight. Please raise an issue on the repository and we'll get it checked/fixed.

We have a Pull Request open to fix this: ui-control colon in group name by bartbutenaers · Pull Request #1554 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub I'm looking at it now.

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