How to get a value from a string

Hi all.. I'm quite new in Node Red and I'm having some problems to get a single value from a string. I'm using Tado contrib to get values (temperature and humidity).. but I receive the followign string:

24/10/2019, 14:41:51node: d99487d4.5e14c8
getZoneState : msg.payload : string[992]

Could you help me to get the humidity and temperature value (71.1, 22.8)?

so your string looks as if it is JSON.

So I would try using a JSON node to convert it to a javascript object which is what Node-RED needs.

Then if you read the page in the docs "Working with messages" it will teach you how to use the debug node to get the right path to any piece of data

Thank you for your suggestions.. i solved.