I have implemented it through the following five-step process, but I don’t know how to handle steps 4 and 5. I have already obtained my access token, but I don’t know how to redirect to execute the callback verify method, write cookies, write sessions, and other process handling. I added my custom getSSOToken http callback interface to the node-red source code. This interface obtains the access_token value of my company’s SSO system. I don’t know what to do next? It seems that it did not callback the verify method as expected
1, Create OAuth2 Strategy: First, I use the passport.use method to create a new OAuth2Strategy. In this strategy, I provide the authorization URL, token URL, client ID, client secret, scope, state, and callback URL
This step is okay, my program can work
2, User Authentication: When a user attempts to access protected resources, I redirect them to the login page of the SSO service. On this page, the user can enter their credentials to log in.[/b]
This step is okay, my program can work
3, Obtain Access Token: Once the user logs in successfully, the SSO service redirects the user back to my application, including an authorization code in the query parameters of the redirect URL. I capture this authorization code and use it to obtain an access token from the SSO service.
This step is okay, my program can work
4, Use Access Token: After obtaining the access token, use this token to request protected resources from the SSO service. This typically involves adding the access token to the Authorization header of my HTTP requests.
I don’t know How to do at step 4?
5, Handle Callback: In the OAuth2Strategy, provide a function to handle the callback. This function is called when the SSO service returns user information. Create a user object based on the returned user information and pass it to the done callback
I don’t know How to do at step 5?
my settings.js adminAuth code
adminAuth: {
type: "strategy",
strategy: {
name: "oauth2",
label: 'Sign in with SSO',
icon: "fa-user",
strategy: require("passport-oauth2").Strategy,
options: {
authorizationURL: 'https://mycompany.sso.com/sso/oauth/authorize?uuid=CF7E5931A9C3F11770B700F3F7106FEB',
tokenURL: 'https://mycompany.sso.com/sso/oauth/token',
client_id: 'aaa',
client_secret: 'bbb',
callbackURL: 'https://0d6d-103-70-220-21.ngrok-free.app/getSSOToken',
verify: function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
done(null, profile);
users: function(username) {
return Promise.resolve({ username: username, permissions: "*" });
my getSSOToken http code
var runtimeAPI;
var apiUtils = require("../util");
const axios = require('axios');
const querystring = require('querystring');
module.exports = {
init: function (_runtimeAPI) {
runtimeAPI = _runtimeAPI;
getSSOToken: function (req, res, next) {
var _code = req.query.code
var _state = req.query.state
const url = 'https://mycompany.sso.com/sso/oauth/token';
const data = querystring.stringify({
client_id: 'aaa',
client_secret: 'bbb',
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
redirect_uri: 'https://0d6d-103-70-220-21.ngrok-free.app/getSSOToken',
scope: 'app',
code: _code
console.log('---------------request data json start ------------------')
console.log('------------------request data json end -----------------')
const config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
axios.post(url, data, config)
.then(function (response) {
const profile = {
id: "admin",
username: "admin",
displayName: "admin",
emails: [{ value: "1@qq.com" }],
photos: [{ value: "/pic.png" }]
res.send({ "access_token": response.data.access_token,
"refresh_token": response.data.refresh_token,
"profile": profile,
.catch(function (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
res.status(500).send({"error": "Internal Server Error"});