How to open a NR Project from local source

I try to open a local copy of a Git hosted project that has these four files:
I have a macOS and normally test things in docker.
So I found this related description but if I add the path to my flows.json file it starts NR but with an empty workspace not the one in the flows.json.
This is my path:
docker run -it -p 1881:1880 -e FLOWS=~/Downloads/project-master/flows.json -v node_red_data:/data nodered/node-red
How can I look into a project that I copy locally?

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FLOWS will refer to something inside the container - not your computer.

You will need to research how to make other directory available to the container and then you can point FLOWS at the mapped location.

Alternatively, without docker, this is as simple as setting -u to the directory containing flows e.g.

node-red -u ~/Downloads/project-master/

That would be the solution, i think.

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