How to remove packages from CEBRA... instructions :)

Have a nice day,
Many people ask me how to remove packages from CEBRA:
Here's how I did it:

first, you need to perform a seper user calculation in CEBRU from VICTRON:
here is the guide: Venus OS: Root Access [Victron Energy]
then install the program: PuTTY, here is the download url:

open the program and select the Session tab and there you will be interested in the HOST NAME column, here you will enter the local IP address of your CEBRA. But first, select CONNECTION TYPE: SSH and then PORT 22. This will connect you to cebro through the console.

After connection, it wants login data, so login as: is always ROOT, lowercase. Enter the password the same as you entered for superuser in cebre, I don't remember it very often, so I always set a new password before each login :).

after a successful login, we are in the Linux console.

So we enter commands for linux.


ls -l

you are at the root and have a basic list of what is on the disk :).
now you just need to find the required address book where the installations are and uninstall it, be careful and then delete the address book, be careful, don't delete it, renaming won't help. And then restart cebro.

I go to gpt chat for orders :).

so first we have to find the package. They have the suffix:

find -name "file-evi"
cd and enter the path where the required file is located.
it will probably be the path:

cd /data/home/nodered/.node-red/node_modules/

ls -l

npm uninstall name_package

example: nmp uninstall node-red-contrib-ui-led

after uninstalling, the address book must be deleted:
Since I am already in the place where the address book itself is, there is no need to enter the entire absolute path, so we just enter:
display :

rm -r

rm -r node-red-contrib-ui-led

and that's all, just restart cebro and you're done. I hope I helped you :).

Feel free to ask :).

but since then I can't install and remove packages via the web interface, which doesn't bother me. I always log in with putty and install. It is only necessary to point out that they must be installed globally as packages. If you install balicel locale, it goes completely crazy. it is ideal at that time to turn off node-red in zebra and install.
For concrete commands, I recommend chatGPT, the good one :).

by command: npm list --depth=0
find out which packages are locally installed, then uninstall them all: you need:
npm uninstall node-red-dashboard

and install globally:

npm install -g node-red-dashboard

using the command: npm list -g --depth=0

you will find globally installed packages :).

with desire

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